Objectives of each coursework vary.  From plain proof of a students’ progress, to a requirement for gaining advanced degrees, objectives play a part in the participator’s perspective.  Putting it metaphorically, an objective is like a rainbow at the end of a storm, the scenic horizon after a desert, or the life springing after a long famine.

How about dissertation writing?  What is its metaphoric position?  Or rather, what are its objectives?  Below is a list of objectives, which could either fit the writer’s agendum or the institution’s:

i. It is a qualitative tool utilised to support a student’s candidacy in one or all of the three degrees – bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate.

ii. Dissertation writing is a means for student’s to effectively exhibit the ability to come up with an original work that serves as a contribution to a specific type of stakeholder or stakeholders.  This ability is in itself a parameter for gaining the degree.  However, the context here is that it is provided as an opportunity to students, more than its metric role. 

iii. It serves as evidence to the level of professionalism possessed by the candidate.  This level is an important indicator of students’ distinction from the lower level version of themselves.  In other words, dissertation writing is a token of gaining higher steps in the hierarchical level of the academe and field.

iv. Apart from the opportunity of exhibiting the student’s ability, a dissertation is also an opportunity for students to leave a unique footprint in the research community.  Hence, in line of metaphors, everyone is given the chance to run across the research field, but only a few is permitted to have their ‘indelible imprints.’  

Hence, before students proceed take any academic endeavour; it’s essential that they ensure the consistency of the endeavour’s objectives with their own.  Doing so will not just help avoid disenchantment in the latter phases of research and writing; it will also serve as a good point wherever they lose track.  Just like how stars aid people in locating themselves and their destination, the same can be observe of the objectives’ function.

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